I think this was the last BCV show before Brian transferred to school in Boston – so I remember at this time also trying to find a couple hours to record what would later be half of the Bucket o’ fun n’ stuff n’ yeah album. And that even though it was our last hurrah, we wanted to go out with a big fun show and we still were trying to play new songs as soon as hey were written – I believe we had just barely learned the “She’s turning into a werewolf” a cappella round that day. But I might be wrong about that. I didn’t even remember that song existed until I heard these recordings.
One thing I remember about this show was that we wanted to do whatever we wanted to do – and for me that included carrying my bed all the way from my dorm to Washington hall so I could have the fun of listening to the other bands while lying in my bed under my comforter with a pillow on stage – that was pretty awesome. And I think we invited anybody up on stage who wanted to be there. It was pretty loose.
There was something really moving about the crowd yelling things like “Brian, don’t go!” in the middle of "Hypothetical Situation." I think we all felt mixed emotions – sad to have something so wonderful be coming to an end, but also just a warm good feeling during the act of playing. I certainly was in a bit of denial about the ending of the band – and I was lucky to have a whole semester afterwards to work on the BCV cd, so I was still a bit busy with it anyhow.
I get confused about the timeline of how and when everything happened, but when we were doing the stuff, that was what mattered the most to me. I always just felt lucky to get to hear Brian and Vince sing every time we practiced. Plus Brian’s guitar playing was a treat to watch develop – he was fantastic at everything and so easy going that the band seemed almost effortless – songs came pouring out all the time and we just sat around and played them, then walked around playing them and then sometimes took a cab to go play them somewhere else. Trees, Hugs, and Rock n Roll, man.
To be honest, I am amazed at how cheesy I was back then – not that I’ve changed so much, but that younger Colin was a bit of a dork! Yow!
P.S. I cannot for the life of me remember where the Skybuster Jones concept came from, but I know the show was supposed to be a benefit for the food shelf and that some folks brought cans of food. And I believe James Kennedy later used the Skybuster Jones character in his rock musical – because I got to play him! Or was the musical before the show? I think I had it right the first time.
P.P.S. I still love the countermelodies on “Powder Blue” and “She.”
I remember that we envisioned this show to be a "rock opera" without having a clear idea of what that was. That's why I brought my manequin on stage I think. In the end it was a fun creative outlet and goodbye to Brian. I still have no recollection of a werewolf song.
I think the name 'Skybuster Jones' can be attributed to John Kehoe.
My official thought on BCV is that I am thankful to have been friends with Colin and Vince. The years gone by certainly put it all in perspective. Second official thought... it was a lot of fun. There were a lot of great people around, and it's cool to see all the pictures.
Other than that... dear vast and mighty internet, indexer of all things, appearing on my phone, connecting the un-connected, friending the un-friended, index this! Yow!
[Note: There is also one song by Chisel included with this BCV set. Mostly because it was on the same tape, and also recorded at the Skybuster Jones show. It's a crackin' good medley of BCV songs: "Spectacles/Crunchy Lunch/Wizards." Need I to say anything more?]
see also:
Brian, Colin and Vince on MySpace
V/A - Incubus 1993: ND Music Compilation
Chisel vs. Brian, Colin and Vince - Spectacles/One in Ten 7"
Brian, Colin and Vince - Just Trying To Help
This show is a highlight memory from those four years in so many ways. From hearing Chisel cover 'Spectacles' live and all the emotion that went with that (!) - to looking around at everyone at that show and marveling at the completely mixed-bag of individuals/friends who were all fired up about creating and molding their own experience and art in such an unlikely place. Unforgettable.
- Justin Mitchell
I regard BCV as the best band to ever come out of South Bend. Love this stuff and glad to have some new material to listen to. I turned so many people on to them when I moved to Bloomington in 1992. The "Just Trying To Help" cassette was duplicated numerous times.
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